Në takimin e 47 Rotariani jonë Muhamet Jashanica prezanton projektin e tij “Amplifying Change: Empowering Kosovo’s Environment, Inheritance Equality, and RAE Rights through Podcasts”

Në takimin e 47 Rotariani jonë Muhamet Jashanica prezanton projektin e tij “Amplifying Change: Empowering Kosovo’s Environment, Inheritance Equality, and RAE Rights through Podcasts” — At the 47th meeting, our Rotarian Muhamet Jashanica presented his project ‘Amplifying Change: Empowering Kosovo’s Environment, Inheritance Equality, and RAE Rights through Podcasts’.
Prezantim nga dr.Prof Nexhat Balaj “Hapësirat e gjelbra urbane-parqet dhe burimet rekreative ne qytete”

Prezantim nga dr.Prof Nexhat Balaj “Hapësirat e gjelbra urbane-parqet dhe burimet rekreative ne qytete” — Presentation by Dr. Prof Nexhat Balaj ‘Urban Green Spaces – Parks and Recreational Resources in Cities’.